Thursday, November 27, 2008

Oops I Did It Again

I forgot to write about my new favorite show that is going to fill the void that is left by the cancellation of Pushing Daisies. How I Met Your Mother is legen - wait for it - dary and completely awesome. So suit up and watch it because you're really missing out if you haven't seen it. Some people are turned off by Neil Patrick Harris since he was Doogie Houser but he really makes the show. So go watch it...right now!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pushing Daisies and How I Met Your Mother

I am so sad that Pushing Daisies is being cancelled. It is probably one of my favorite shoes. I love the characters and the colors. It is so different from everything else that is on and now it will be gone forever. I will miss Ned and Chuck and how they couldn't touch or she would die.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Long Time

So I haven't posted on here in quite some time. I never forgot about my blog just never was happy with it. I need to make it my own instead of using some already made template before I will be completely satisfied with it. Enough ranting, onto the updates.

Last night Dylan and I traveled down to Thousand Oaks so that Dylan could take his CVSA exam for the CHP. He passed! And I couldn't be any more excited. A few more steps in the process and hopefully it will happen this time. We spent the afternoon together today as we traveled back. It was really nice, like a mini vacation. We decided we need to do that more often.

Now we are back in Nipomo where we get to stay with Dylan's parents until we can finally find a place decent enough in SLO to move into. It's only been like 4 months for this temporary move. We were hoping to be out at least by Thanksgiving but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I hate living so far from everything and not to mention with the in-laws. Not exactly marital bliss, but we make do.