Saturday, June 26, 2010


We found out last Friday that Dylan has been accepted into the CHP academy. He will be starting July 26th and will have to live on the CHP campus in Sacramento. I am super excited for him because he has been waiting for this ever since he applied about 2 years ago.

It will be hard not having him here but hopefully 7 months will fly by. It's weird that it is finally happening because it seemed like ages ago that he even applied.

He told his boss on Monday and next week will be his last week at his current job. He is going to take 3 weeks off before he has to go to the academy to get all prepared.

I'll probably be lonely for the next 7 months so anyone who wants to come visit or hang out let me know.


Jennifer said...

i'll come visit you!! we can cuddle and do each others hair and nails. and you can come up and visit me whenever you want!

you should come up and visit me when i give birth to pinta!!

Kim Youngblood said...

i totally will but only if that baby is my birthday present :)

Anonymous said...

Jesse and I will come and visit and keep you company!! We can come after he is born and we'll come on one of your 3 day weekends. ;)